Thread Lift


Results from a thread lift last 12-15 months, depending on how long it takes your body to absorb the temporary sutures placed there during the lift.

A Thread Lift is one the most effective ways to lift loose skin without surgery. As we age, the effects of gravity become more noticeable on our faces, especially as our facial support structure weakens and we lose facial fat. The areas that are generally affected are the eyebrows, areas around the eyes, the cheeks, the jowls and the neck. The result is a more elongated and older-looking face.

Thread Lift - Your guide to the procedure


What areas can be treated
with Thread Lift?

Mid Face



Under Eyes



What to expect from a Thread Lift?

Safely and effectively define the contours of your facial profile

Minimize facial roundness

Lift and tighten the skin for a youthful appearance

Younger-looking results that can last up to 15 months

Thread Lift FAQs

What is a Thread Lift?

The idea of using sutures or threads non-invasively dates back many years. Asia and Europe are at the forefront of the idea of threading, and with time, American owned thread companies began using techniques and ideas long ago developed, to create their own version of threads for the face.  Nova Threads and Les Encres threads to name a few, are some of the most well-known thread companies in the United States. Nurse Natausha uses Les Encres threads to perform the thread lift. Threads are placed strategically in the face, to raise and elevate saggy skin and produce new collagen and elastin. Each face  is different and Nurse Natausha will decide what placement is best for each patient in order to achieve the individual result each patient desires.

How does a Thread Lift work?

Using a small thread, with microscopic barbs along the surface, the thread is inserted into the mid to superficial dermis, where the barbs attach to the tissue and suspend or elevate the skin where the thread is placed.

Are Thread Lift's safe?

Yes. The risk of complications is minimal and mostly includes some bruising and swelling. If the threading is done by a medical professional who has experience and understands facial anatomy, the procedure is easy with limited downtime.

Do you have before and after pictures?

We sure do! Click the link below. Our patients love this procedure and you will too. View our before and after photos and schedule your consultation today!

Is the Thread Lift procedure permanent?

No, the procedure is not permanent. The threads last approximately 12-15 months. At that time, they will need to be inserted again in order to maintain the result.

What are the specific instructions I need to follow after my procedure?

There are some specific post treatment instructions we ask patients to follow in order to limit complications and problems after their treatment. For the first 72 hours, we ask you to keep exercise to low impact workouts only. Walking and mild workouts are permitted. However, no large muscle movements or HIIT workouts are allowed for 72 hours after your threading appointment. We also ask you to eat a soft food diet for 2 days and avoid large mouth movements for 2 weeks.

Thread Lift Before and After

Tiffany-Thread-Lift-Before Tiffany-Thread-Lift-After
Thread Lift Before and After - Injectable Aesthetics
Male Thread Lift Before and After - Injectable Aesthetics

Thread Lift Reviews